
To make reservations to use the tools and instruments in the Keck Clean Room, click on the BOOKED icon.  A login portal must be created or modified for you by one of the Microfab administrators (Feili Qin or Min Li) before you will be able to reserve tools and instruments. 

If you already have a BOOKED account you use to reserve instruments in the Chemical Instrumentation Faclity (possibly created for you by Steve V. or Sarah C.), then click HERE to request additional permission to reserve instruments and tools in the Keck Clean Room.

If you do not currently have a BOOKED account, please click HERE and one of the Microfab Administrators will help you create an account.

NOTE: Do NOT try to register using the "Create an Account" link on the BOOKED login screen.  This will not work correctly and will then require an administrator to fix.


Users Guide for BOOKED reservation software